EutecTrod 9060 N

EutecTrod 9060 N

Product ID : 9060


EutecDur 9060N alloy is a uniquely formulated cobalt electrode with broad-based properties. Key application attributes to 9060N are high temperature hardness stability, excellent anti-galling features, and highly specific resistance to cavitation-erosion forces. Weld deposits have excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosion. All cobalt-base alloys should be used with proper pre-heat levels, interpass temperature controls and prescribed cooling rates. Contact Eutectic Technical Services for more information on welding EutecDur 9060N and other cobaltbase products.



Polarity: DCEP (+) and AC Typical Hardness (2 passes): 39-43 HRC Typical Hot Hardness: 20 HRC average at 1200°F (649°C) Diameter: 1/8” (3.2mm) 5/32” (4.0mm) Amperage: 80-120 130-160

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